Information for First-Semester Students

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Important information for first-semester undergraduate students

The Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern is going to provide a quota amounting to 25% of vacant accommodation units to first-year undergraduate students for the 2024/25 Winter Semester. All first-year students who submit an application will automatically be included in the random allocation of this accommodation quota. The deadline for applying is 15th August 2024.

In order to participate in the allocation of this quota, you must complete the regular application form for accommodation by 15th August 2024. If you don’t receive a place from this accommodation quota, your application will remain on the waiting list. Any applications we receive after 15th August 2024 will not be included in the allocation of this accommodation quota.

Please only submit one application. Additional applications will be deleted; only the first application is considered valid.

It is also possible to apply without a certificate of enrolment for the winter semester. However, it or the notice of approval must be uploaded at the latest when the tenancy agreement is signed.

The general application requirements of the Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern apply. You can choose three halls of residence you would like to live in when applying. However, there is no guarantee that you will be offered accommodation in one of your preferred halls of residence. If you are allocated a place in a different hall of residence, it’s your choice whether or not you accept the place. 

Legal recourse is excluded.

All participants will be informed by email at the latest by the end of August whether or not they possibly received a place from this accommodation quota.