BAföG - News

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Phone availability of staff members dealing with applications

Due to an extensive system update, our staff members dealing with applications will not be available by phone from 9th - 11th July 2024 as well as from 16th - 18th July 2024 and from 23rd - 25th July 2024.

Due to to system update, we will also not be available on 30th July, 31st July as well as on 1st August 2024.

BAföG Service Centre (BSZ)

Due to a build-up of applications to be dealt with, no appointments for a BSZ consultation can be arranged at the minute. You can, however, still give the staff members in charge of your application a ring during their office hours on Tues, Wed, Thurs from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

Wärmefonds – heating fund

The Wärmefonds advisory service of the Paritätische Wohlfahrtsverband in Leopoldstr. 15, room 016, will not be available from 12th August until 6th September 2024.

Most important BAföG changes for students from autumn 2024 onwards

- increase in the amount of BAföG from €452.00 to €475.00

- increase in the amount of BAföG for accommodation for students not living with their parents from €360.00 to €380.00

- increase in the extra income limit to current "Minijob" limit

- maximum duration of BAföG support “Regelstudienzeit” + one flexible semester either during Bachelor or Master programme

- change of subject area /dropping out of your studies can now happen one semester later

- income of siblings under 18 years of age who cannot be supported in accordance with BAföG will not be taken into account

- update of the “Sozialpauschalen” (lump sum for social security) for calculating amount of income

- introduction of a “Studienstarthilfe” (support at the start of a student’s studies) for under 25-year-olds for their first course of study if they received one of eight welfare benefits (“Sozialleistungen”), see FAQs Studienstarthilfe.

Zoom lecture on financing your studies on 19th September 2024

The General BAföG Advisory Service will be holding an online lecture on financing your studies on Thursday, 19th September 2024.

More information can be found here.

BAföGdigital App

The new BAföGdigital App is now available in App Store and Play Store. The BAföGdirekt App is no longer active.

The BAföGdigital App includes the new “BAföG-Rechner”, which can calculate the amount of BAföG you will presumably receive. You can also find the tool at

27 February 2024

Wärmefonds – Penny and Müller vouchers worth €25 each


Starting Monday, 2 October 2023, people who apply for the Wärmefonds [heating fund] from 2 October 2023 onwards and are entitled to receive support from the Wärmefonds can receive Penny and Müller vouchers worth €25 each. There is only a limited number of vouchers available.

Every person can receive 2 vouchers worth a total of €50. For a two-person household 4 vouchers worth a total of €100 can be handed out. Families with 1 child can also receive 4 vouchers worth a total of €100. Families with 2 or more children can receive 6 vouchers worth a total of €150. 

The vouchers can only be handed out personally and can be applied for in Leopoldstr. 15, 80802 München, ground floor, room 016 with the Paritätische Wohlfahrtsverband, provided the Wärmefonds application was/is also made with the Paritätische Wohlfahrtsverband in Leopoldstr. 15 in Munich. The office hours of the Paritätische Wohlfahrtsverband in Leopoldstr. 15, 80802 München, are: Mon from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Tues from 12 noon to 4:00 p.m. as well as Thurs from 12 noon to 4:00 p.m. 

Students who can prove they receive BAföG and have their own household are among the people who are entitled to Wärmefonds support.

Further information, also on other groups of people entitled to the Wärmefonds, can be found at:

Please note that neither the SWM-Wärmefonds nor the above-mentioned vouchers can be applied for with the Educational Assistance Office.


New phone numbers in the BAföG Office

From 4 July 2023 onwards, our staff members dealing with applications can be reached under new phone numbers. From then on, there will only be one phone number for every team and you will automatically be connected with the next free staff member.

phone number Team 1: 089 38196-1001

phone number Team 2: 089 38196-1002

phone number Team 3: 089 38196-1003

phone number Team 4: 089 38196-1004

1 July 2023

Wärmefonds – heating fund

From now on, there will be a Wärmefonds Office of the Paritätische Wohlfahrtsverband in Leopoldstr. 15, room 016, for handing in applications for the Wärmefonds of the Stadtwerke München.

The opening hours of the Paritätische Wohlfahrtsverband in Leopoldstr. 15 for handing in applications can be found at:

Students who live in Munich and can prove they receive BAföG and have their own household can apply for the Wärmefonds.

Further information can be found at

Please note that it is not possible to apply for the SWM-Wärmefonds with the BAföG Office.

12 May 2023

Digital BAföG Application

Dear students!

The new digital BAföG application is now available for all students in Bavaria. More information can be found in our German press release.

BAföGdigital makes it possible for us to deal with your application as quickly as possible. Please also make sure to upload the full application forms.

Applying via other online portals or email will lead to a delay in your application being dealt with.


Information material

Checklists and Forms