Psychotherapeutic and Psychosocial Counselling Service
Dear students,
In February, in addition to the usual registration times (Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri 9:00 a.m. - 12 noon),
registering will also be possible Wednesdays from 10 a.m. - 12 noon.
What we offer:
Any student who'd like to talk about a problem to one of our experienced psychologists is very welcome to contact us. For instance, we can help you with
- problems related to your studies (e.g. work impairment, exam nerves, fear of authority)
- problems in relationships, having difficulties finding a partner, dealing with having separated
- isolation and contact anxiety (e.g. social anxiety)
- problems detaching (e.g. becoming independent of your parents, new orientation)
- depression, anxiety, self-injury, thoughts of suicide, psychosomatic problems, eating disorders, compulsive disorders etc.
- suffering as a result of sexual abuse, discrimination or violence
- addiction (e.g. psychotropic substances, gambling, computer or internet addiction)
- questions regarding identity development
- ... or also if you're going through other difficult situations in life or other types of psychological strain you can contact us any time to get professional and individual support!
How to contact us:
You can contact us by phone to arrange an appointment for a psychological consultation. We exclusively work with fixed appointments.
Appointments can also be held on the phone or via video call. You would then need to be in Germany at the time of the appointment. Should you be showing any symptoms of a cold, we ask you not to come by personally. In that case, the consultation can take place by phone.
We urgently ask you to cancel appointments should you not be able to keep them so that we can hand them on to other students in need of our support!
Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern
Psychotherapeutic and Psychosocial Counselling Service
Alte Mensa, Helene-Mayer-Ring 9
80809 München
Advice and Counselling Centre, entrance h,
1st floor, room h6
U3 Olympiazentrum
phone: +49 89 38196-1202 Registration is open:
Mon, Tues and Thurs, Fri 9:00 a.m. - 12 noon
Wed 10:00 a.m. - 12 noon
Please also pay attention to possible up-to-date information displayed in red at the top of the page.
Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern
Psychotherapeutic and Psychosocial Counselling Service – Freising
Maximus-von-Imhof-Forum 5
1st floor, room 133 B
85354 Freising
phone: +49 89 38196-1202 Registration is open:
Mon, Tues and Thurs, Fri 9:00 a.m. - 12 noon
Wed 10:00 a.m. - 12 noon
Please also pay attention to possible up-to-date information displayed in red at the top of the page.
Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern
Psychosocial Counselling Service – Rosenheim
Contact: Kathinka Hauerwaas (Dipl.-Soz. Päd.), Dr. Christoph Rothmayr (Dipl.-Psych. /Psych. Psychotherapeut VT)
Open office hours at the university, room A 4.11:
Fridays 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m., and with an appointment at Münchener Str. 24, phone: 08031 805-2554
You can also arrange an appointment outside these office hours by phone: +49 8031 20380
or email:,
FAQ Psychotherapeutic and Psychosocial Counselling Service
Our Psychotherapeutic and Psychosocial Counselling Team consists of clinical psychologists who, after having completed their studies, continued their education to become psychotherapists or who are about to take their final examinations as psychological psychotherapists.
To ensure that we have enough time for our students' needs, we exclusively work with fixed appointments. On average, we can offer three 50-minute consultations per case. Our counselling can also be carried out anonymously; we don't require your health insurance card. We always start off by listening to your problems and then try and sort the situation together. The next step would be to look for possible solutions so that you regain confidence in your own capability to act and will find new hope. An important part of our work is to offer our professional opinion on whether the problem you're experiencing is pathological or not. In the case of a pathological disorder, we provide information on how to get further support as quickly as possible and which support services would be best suited. This could be, for instance, outpatient psychotherapy.
Apart from individual consultations, our service includes couples and family consultations as well as talks and groups.
Our psychological-psychotherapeutic counselling team is strictly bound to maintain confidentiality. Your health insurance, your university or other offices at the Studierendenwerk will definitely not learn about the fact that you used our counselling service. Only at your specific request, will data be passed on.
You should be prepared to having to wait for up to 2-3 weeks for an initial consultation. At the moment, we're handing out appointments from February 17th 2025 onwards.
Follow-up appointments can then be made at short notice. Contact details of other places to turn to can be found here.
Naturally, our counselling service is free of charge for all students who have paid the Studierendenwerk Fee.
At the moment, we can offer our consultations in German and English.
In general, we are specialists for the services provided at your place of study. You need to be in Germany for using our services. From a professional and legal perspective, we cannot justify providing information for countries outside of Germany. In that case, we strongly advise you to look for suitable places to turn to in the area you're currently staying. You could also talk to your doctor.
The “Telefonseelsorge” offers a list of international help lines:
Finding the right therapy requires time and strength. You might well have to contact several psychotherapists and will have to wait for a couple of weeks or even months for your first appointment. We'll support you as best we can by explaining everything in detail, offering tips and providing detailed information about the services available in Munich and Upper Bavaria. We can also tell you about the different psychotherapeutic treatment methods available and will discuss which treatment could be right for your situation. For instance, the following therapies are currently accepted by public health insurance in Germany: analytic psychotherapy, systemic therapy, psychodynamic psychotherapy and behavioural therapy. Organizing an appointment for therapy, however, is not part of our job.
Psychotherapy means treating psychological disorders that are of clinical significance. Within the German health system, this treatment – depending on the type of therapy – is offered to an extent of 12 to 300 hours. Our counselling service is not intended for this type of treatment. We're there to help you take the first steps to finding a solution to your problem.
For instance, you can check the services offered by the “Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Bayerns” (KVB / association of statutory health insurance physicians in Bavaria):
Or use the KVB's online search:
The PTK (Psychotherapeutenkammer) also provides a search mask:
The other federal states’ associations of statutory health insurance physicians also offer this service:
You can also search online on portals such as the platform
Another possibility is to contact Munich institutes offering continuing education in the field of psychotherapy. These institutes offer psychotherapy with experienced psychologists at the end of their training to becoming psychotherapists. Institutes such as these would include – with no guarantee of completeness:
Psychodynamic / psychoanalytical institutes:
- Münchner Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Psychoanalyse e.V. - MAP
- Akademie für Psychoanalyse und Psychotherapie München e.V.
- Ärztlich-Psychologischer Weiterbildungskreis für Psychotherapie und Psychoanalyse (ÄPK)
- Alfred Adler Institut für Individualpsychologie
- C. G. Jung-Institut München e. V.
- Lehrinstitut für Psychotherapie und Psychoanalyse München gGmbh (LPM)
- Münchner Lehr- und Forschungsinstitut (LFI) der Deutschen Akademie für Psychoanalyse (DAP)
- Kirinus
Cognitive-behavioural institutes:
- Institut für Therapieforschung (IFT)
- Münchner Universitäres Institut für Psychologische Psychotherapieausbildung (MUNIP)
- Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Verhaltensmodifikation (AVM)
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Verhaltenstherapie (DGVT)
- Verein zur Förderung der klinischen Verhaltenstherapie (vfkv e.V.)
- Institut für Psychotherapie am kbo-Isar-Amper-Klinikum Haar
- Kirinus
Systemic institutes:
- AsysTH-Ausbildungsinstitut für systemische Psychotherapie
- Verein zur Förderung der Familientherapie und -beratung (vft) e.V. - Systemisches Institut München
- Kirinus
Unfortunately, that's not possible due to data protection regulations. We'd advise you to always be very cautious regarding personal information in emails!
Please understand that in light of the high demand for appointments, we need to keep our resources available for student counselling. For the sake of fairness, it’s also not possible for us to answer individual enquiries.
In the event of a crisis, please ring the “Psychiatrische Krisendienst” (mental health crisis lifeline; support in over 120 languages):
phone: 0800 / 655 3000
The “Telefonseelsorge” provides a list of international help lines: