Bylaws of the Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern

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Suspension of Bylaws regarding the Solidarity Fee

Due to the currently available 29-Euro-Ticket for students in Bavaria, the bylaws regarding the solidarity fee have been suspended until further notice from the 2023/24 Winter Semester onwards. Thus students must no longer pay a solidarity fee; student IDs can subsequently no longer be used as MVV tickets. Students still need to pay the Basic Fee (Studierendenwerk Fee), which amounts to 85 euros since the 2023/24 Winter Semester.

Bekanntmachungssatzung [bylaws regarding the announcement and publication of bylaws]

Grundbeitragssatzung [bylaws regarding the Basic Fee / Studierendenwerk Fee]

Solidarbeitragssatzung [bylaws regarding the solidarity fee]

Bekanntmachungssatzung [bylaws regarding the announcement and publication of bylaws]

New bylaws as of 15th February 2024

Here you can find the bylaws (in German) regarding the announcement and publication of bylaws (“Bekanntmachungssatzung”) of the Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern.

Bekanntmachungssatzung [bylaws regarding the announcement and publication of bylaws]

Grundbeitragssatzung [bylaws regarding the Basic Fee]

New bylaws as of 1st April 2024

Here you can find the bylaws (in German) regarding the Basic Fee / Studierendenwerk Fee (“Grundbeitragssatzung”) of the Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern. It came into force on 1st April 2024 in accordance with Bavarian university regulations (Bayerisches Hochschulinnovationsgesetz/BayHIG).

Satzung zum Grundbeitrag ab dem Sommersemester 2024 [bylaws regarding the Basic Fee from the 2024 Summer Semester onwards]

Any questions?

Please have a look at our FAQs section on the Basic Fee / Studierendenwerk Fee.

Solidarbeitragssatzung [bylaws regarding the solidarity fee] – suspended until further notice


Suspension of Bylaws regarding the Solidarity Fee

Due to the currently available 29-Euro-Ticket for students in Bavaria, the bylaws regarding the solidarity fee have been suspended until further notice from the 2023/24 Winter Semester onwards. Thus students must no longer pay a solidarity fee; student IDs can subsequently no longer be used as MVV tickets. Students still need to pay the Basic Fee (Studierendenwerk Fee), which amounts to 85 euros since the 2023/24 Winter Semester.

You can find the currently suspended bylaws regarding the solidarity fee as well as their amendments in our archives section.