Financing, Downloads & Contact Details
Scholarships for successfully completing your studies with a child
The Studentenhilfe München e. V. offers a scholarship for successfully completing your studies with a child. The scholarship is specially designed for full-time student parents.
Studying and raising a child at the same time is not easy. For this reason, the organisation Studentenhilfe e.V. started a scholarship programme specifically for student parents in order to help them successfully complete their studies. In addition to monthly financial support for up to two semesters, scholarship students also receive professional advice from the Studierendenwerk’s Advisory Service for Students Expecting or with a Child on all aspects of everyday student life. This way we want to make sure that there is nothing keeping you from successfully completing your studies.
Click here for more information about the scholarship.
Kinderzuschlag (additional child benefit)
Parents can receive an additional child benefit if they earn enough money to provide for themselves, but their income is not or hardly sufficient to be enough for the entire family. On this page, you will find all the necessary information about the “Kinderzuschlag”.
At, the KiZ-Lotse can help you to quickly find out whether or not you are entitled to receive this additional child benefit.
Kindergeld (child benefit)
Click on this link to receive information regarding Kindergeld. Make sure to apply for Kindergeld in time as it is only possible to also receive the benefit for the last six months before applying for it.
Up-to-date information can be found at
Bayerisches Krippengeld (Bavarian childcare allowance)
- the child is at least one year old
- the child goes to a childcare centre sponsored according to the Bavarian Child Education and Care Act (BayKiBiG) (note: this applies to all childcare centres of our supporting association “Eltern-Kind-Initiativen e.V.”)
- the parents pay fees for the childcare and food; these are not paid by public institutions (e.g. the Jugendamt)
- the household income does not exceed 60,000 euros. For every further child for whom the parents receive Kindergeld, the income limit increases by 5,000 euros
- the applicant is a person entitled to the care for the person of the child (usually the parents)
Amount of the Krippengeld:
- max. 100 euros per child and month
- if the childcare fee is less than this, the actual amount is paid
More information on the Bavarian Krippengeld can be found here. And here you can have a look at some English information.
Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern
The Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern provides advisory services on all matters concerning “studying with a child”.
More information can be found HERE.
Office hours:
You can contact us Thursdays from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. as well as Fridays from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
The Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich offers an advisory service on all aspects regarding “studying with a child at the LMU Munich”. Click here for more information.
phone: 089/ 2180/3124
The Family Service at the TUM provides advice for students on how to successfully combine their family life with their studies at the TUM.
Doris Halm
Familienservice für München und Garching
phone: 089/ 289-22319;
Family Service Freising
Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences
Pregnant students and students with a child at the HM University of Applied Sciences can turn to the “Familienbüro” for advice. More information can be found here.
Judith Bub
Koordinatorin Stud. Angelegenheiten- Lernzentrum- Familienbüro für Studierende
phone: 089/ 12651283;
Download fee regulations
More detailed information regarding booking times and fees can be found in our German fee regulations.