Olydorfspatzen Crèche
The student crèche Olydorfspatzen is located in the Olympic Village. The Olympic Village was constructed in 1972 when the Olympic Games took place in Munich. Back then, the athletes resided in the bungalows. Nowadays, primarily students live there. The Olympiapark is directly nearby and can be easily accessed by foot. The Olympic Village also has a shopping street with bakers, a supermarket, doctors, chemists, a post office and restaurants. The atmosphere makes you think of a peaceful village. It has a good infrastructure and idyllic surroundings due to the Olympiapark. The U3 (Olympiazentrum) is one of the central Munich underground lines. Via the U3, you can reach the LMU within a couple of minutes. Munich's other universities are also easy to reach. The crèche is primarily attended by North Munich citizens and all other districts as well as families that live in the Olympic Village and therefore within close proximity to the crèche.
The Facility’s Rooms
The facility’s rooms are located on the ground floor of the old canteen, in the university building together with the Advice Centre, the library and the administration. The crèche moved into the new rooms in October 2012. Due to their modern design and large glass façades, the rooms are bright and friendly. Each group has its own group room, sleep room and bathroom. The hall is where the children can hang up their jackets etc. and is also used as an extra space for the children to play. Apart from the office, which is also used for team and parent meetings, there is also a kitchen, a material storage room, a wash room with an employee bathroom and a storage room, which is also used to park prams and buggies. The facility also includes a garden only a few metres away from the crèche at the side of the bungalow area. The garden has a climbing tower with a slide, a lawn and a sand pit with a water pump.
Whose Children Do We Look After
We take care of children of parents who are studying at a university the Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern is in charge of, as well as those of employees of the supporting association “Stud. Eltern-Kind-Initiativen e.V.” and the Studierendenwerk who live in Munich.
Detailed Information on our Childcare Centre
Have a look at our German Concept and Child Protection Concept for more detailed information on our childcare centre.
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