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A period of international study is very common these days; it does, however, require a considerable amount of planning and preparation. Especially the financing of your studies is an important issue you will have to deal with when coming to Germany to study:


The Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern also offers international students its help, support and advice in social, financial and cultural matters, irrespective of whether they are staying in Munich for just one semester or for the entire duration of their studies.

We provide all kinds of support for students looking for information regarding their stay in Munich, such as our clearly structured checklist to help students prepare their arrival in Munich.

If you are still looking for accommodation, feel free to get in touch with the staff members of our Accommodation Department, who can provide you with information, advice and assistance regarding rooms in our halls of residence as well as other options available for finding accommodation. 

Our Culture Team is always busy organising various trips, sight-seeing tours and workshops, which will help you to quickly feel at home at your new place of study and which will provide you with the opportunity to meet other students. If you have a place in one of the Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern’s halls of residence, the resident tutors and their events will also help you to get to know your fellow residents.

The Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern also maintains international partnerships with organisations in various different countries. Language courses for students, staff exchanges and other programmes are run at irregular intervals in cooperation with organisations in, for instance, France, Tunis or China.

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Past event

The project "Come to Munich - be at home"

  • Categories: Trips and Excursions
[Translate to English:]

The Studentenwerk offers a intercultural seminar „Come to Munich – Be at Home“, is offering the possibility for German and international students to take part in an international project -  for free! Due to the special period we had to change the project to an online project, therefore fr the next semester is called " Come to Munich - #stay at home". By learning and experiencing together, the students improve their intercultural skills. Beside the intercultural events, the students take part in five  intercultural workshop modules  (2,5 h each) concerning the differences and common grounds of cultures. The objective of the project is to extend the own perspective and to sensitize the students for other cultures. The second part of the project is the participation in three intercultural activities online. The activities help to reflect the theory in a practical way by doing online activities e.g. online escape games, dance class or digital cookung event. Each student gets a certificate for their Soft Skills in the end of the seminar.
Through this programm it is possible to get ECTS-credits at TUM (please check the semester programm at Carl von Linde-Akademie).

Are you interested in taking part in the project seminar Come to Munich – be at home? Then take a look at the following points and register here directly: 