One of the most important questions which you will have to answer before you begin studying in Munich is how you will finance your studies. Upon registering, you must provide proof that you have access to the necessary financial means for your studies in Germany (approx. €10,236 per year, as of 10-2019). One possibility is, for example, opening a blocked account.
Additional information in English can be found here and here, as well as in German here.
You should make sure to calculate carefully and realistically, as the most common reason for international students in Germany to stop their studies at an earlier date than intended is a lack of financial resources.
There is also the possibility to ask someone in Germany to sign what is known as a declaration of commitment. By signing this declaration, the person commits themselves to cover the costs of your stay in Germany. This is, however, a great responsibility for the person signing the declaration. Furthermore, they need to personally go to the foreigners office in charge with several documents in order to sign the declaration. It is therefore important to discuss this matter in detail beforehand.